

Meaning of Development Before understanding the Political Development, it is important to know about Development. Development is the process in which any person, institutions, organizations, states etc. becoming bigger in status, stronger and better.   Political Development The term Political Development mostly refers for the growth and development of Third World countries political system. Many times, it refers for the growth of modernization in these countries. Lucian Pye should be regarded as the leading light of the earlier batch of writers who analyses the concept of development in depth and give impression on the entire literature of political development. Lucian Pye presents the concept of Political Development in his book ‘Aspects of Political Development’ in 1966. Before give his own interpretation on Political Development he accepts and reject some definitions of Political Development which mention following: Political Development 1     Political D...

Plato’s concept of Philosopher King

Plato in ‘Republic’ tried to portray the picture of an ideal state. In this book he first focused on three division of man’s mind into Reason, Spirit and Appetite and then divide society into three corresponding division i.e. The Ruler, the Soldiers and the Farmers. He however gives great importance to Reason and believed that when Reason rules the state it will be the ideal state. Who have Reason in highest peek according to Plato will called Philosopher King? He is the person with dominating reason who posses the wisdom and has the knowledge of Ideas or Forms. Qualification of Philosopher King According to Plato there should a great education system in ideal state in which all individual according to their specialization will be trained and who will dominating by Reason and reach to last of this education system will be Philosopher King. However, both Soldiers and Philosopher King have same kind of education system but according to Plato who have Reason in domination he will co...


  Plato  (c. 428–c. 348 BCE) and  Aristotle  (384–322 BCE) are generally regarded as the two greatest figures of Western philosophy. Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the  Academy  in Athens, an institution for philosophical, scientific, and mathematical research and teaching founded by Plato in the 380s. But Aristotle is not a blind follower of Plato. He has different views on some concepts of Plato and also criticize him. ·         Plato was more rationalist. He believed that knowledge has permanent  importance. He said in this universe we solve many problems even with thoughts, abstracta are what is True, Good, and Beautiful, which we discover through contemplation.   On the other hand, Aristotle was more empiricist. He believed in observation of reality is of paramount importance. we need to perform physical experiments and collect and analyze evidence to ...


  LIBERALISM   Liberal means who believe in freedom of individual and try to give space to individual that he can think, research, freedom of choice etc. A liberal individual is open minded who can give space to other’s thought also.   LIBERTARIANISM Libertarianism is a political philosophy which define individual’s freedom into political sphere.   1) GOVERNMENT Liberal  – Liberal believe that there should be freedom for individual in state. Positive liberal gives the concept of welfare state which can protect individual. It should be centralized liberal don’t have any problem to state but it should be welfare state Libertarian  – Libertarian believe in decentralization of power in local bodies. They are in favor of freedom of individual which will possible in only decentralized state.   2) DEMOCRACY Liberal  – Their focus is only on individual’s freedom. They are satisfied with representative or elected democracy. In this ...


  Political Theory helps us to better understand the concepts which shaped our political system. Before knowing Political Theory, we should have idea about what is Theory.   THEORY Merriam Wbester Dictionary defines a Theory as “an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true”. It is a rational enterprise which draws conclusion based on reasons. Theories are contextual because they change with time, places and persons. Theory can’t be objective totally because it is human nature to become subjective in many terms. It is always based on assumption but these assumptions are followed by reasons.   POLITICAL THEORY The term Political Theory sometime interchangeable with other terms like ‘political thought’, ‘political philosophy’, political ideology etc. But it is different from these terms. Political Theory is a body of systematic knowledge related...

Ruling Elites in Political system

  The first step in understanding how any government actually works is to identify its Ruling Elite. The Ruling Elites in any country may be said to comprise 1.      Those persons in the political system who have significant decision-making authority. 2.      Leading persons in the opposition who may be expected to gain decision making power in the future or who are currently able to influence policy making in a negative way 3.      Persons who have hold positions of authority in the system with an active interest in politics and have directly or indirectly influence on any current policy making. In the broadest sense the ruling elite includes the social strata from which most persons are recruited for political leadership. Ruling Elites   Traditional Elites Traditionally the ruling elite comes from certain functional classes in the society: ·        The Military Civil...