Plato’s concept of Philosopher King

Plato in ‘Republic’ tried to portray the picture of an ideal state. In this book he first focused on three division of man’s mind into Reason, Spirit and Appetite and then divide society into three corresponding division i.e. The Ruler, the Soldiers and the Farmers. He however gives great importance to Reason and believed that when Reason rules the state it will be the ideal state. Who have Reason in highest peek according to Plato will called Philosopher King? He is the person with dominating reason who posses the wisdom and has the knowledge of Ideas or Forms.

Qualification of Philosopher King

According to Plato there should a great education system in ideal state in which all individual according to their specialization will be trained and who will dominating by Reason and reach to last of this education system will be Philosopher King. However, both Soldiers and Philosopher King have same kind of education system but according to Plato who have Reason in domination he will continue education till he becomes Philosopher.

·        He will be the man of Reason in which only Reason dominating

·        He will be the symbol of sacrifice. Because he would be sacrifice private property or even family to rule the nations.

·        He would be the great Philosopher.

Features of Philosopher King

Believer in Truth

A Philosopher King is always seeker of truth. He knows everything because he has Reason in dominating. He can better capacity to judge the things than any other ordinary person. He can look after the interests of community better than those who are ignorant.

Proper Training

According to Plato Philosopher King would be the outcome of proper training. Only those who have knowledge and proper training should rule the state and give perfect governing to the citizens.


Philosopher King would be a perfect guardian and has rational character. He would be selfless because he has no interest apart from the interests of the state. His interests and the interests of the state are always identical and can’t be separated from each other.

Great Responsibilities

Philosopher king is supposed to check the flow of property and wealth. He would also maintain unity and self-sufficiency of the state. He would check that all citizens perfume there duty or not and most important he would check on education system to maintain society in greatest way.

Powers of Philosopher King

·        The rule of Philosopher kIng would be absolute according to Plato. He would be not responsive to public opinion. He could be take advise but his words would be last opinion.

·        According to Plato ‘no ordinance or law can be mightier than knowledge’.

·        His wisdom can’t be questioned by public or other organizations.

·        His powers is no limited by rule of law

·        There is only one limitation on Philosopher King that he can’t change the constitution written by Plato.

Criticism of Plato’s Philosopher King

Mostly Aristotle criticize the rule of Philosopher king

Ignore Rule of Law

According to Aristotle Rule of law is always better that rule of any person however he has great knowledge. He believed that it would be better to follow the rule of law which is the collective wisdom of many generations instead the law which is created by only Reason of one person.

Chances to be corrupt

Plato introduce Philosopher King for avoid corruption but according to Aristotle however knowledge would have one person but he could be act without reason in many cases.

Failure in Practical life

Plato has created a philosopher king to rule over the subjects, but in actual practice it would be a great failure. We should take the example of Muhammad Tughlaq. He was a near Philosopher King. He made many rules and try to create a perfect state but he brought untold miseries to his subjects and earned the title of ‘wisest fool’ of his times.

Ignores Masses

Plato feels that only those who get proper training or education would rule the state. He ignores the strength and capabilities of other citizens who have good experience in their living and capability.

Most citizens far away from education

Plato believe that majority of people are no worth getting the education which a philosopher king can get. So, he closed doors of education for most of the citizens.


In today’s world in which most of the countries believe in democracy and titled it a best form of government there would be no chance to accept the rule of philosopher king who have absolute power. Even rule of law can’t bound his powers. In this concept Plato give more importance to state rather than individual.







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