
Showing posts from July, 2021


  Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) was a comprehensive personality. He had a mysterious personality and consciousness. He had a great knowledge about Hinduism, European philosophy and elements of modern science. PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL CREATIVISM Vivekananda was a spiritualist. He like Dayananda and Gandhi believed in India’s message to west. The source of philosophy of Vivekananda are threefold 1.        The great Vedic and Vedanta tradition. Vivekananda inspire from the work of Ramanuja and Madhava, Vallabha and Nimbarka. He is said to to have gone through the eleven volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britanica. He had deep knowledge not only the literature of Hinduism but also of western thoughts from Plato to Spencer. He had full understanding about western scientific achievement. 2.        A powerful source of Vivekananda’s philosophy was his contact with Ramakrishna (1836-1886) one of the greatest saints and mystics of modern India. 3.        Main source of Vivekananda’s phil


  Neorealism is an ideological departure from Hans Morgenthau’s writing on classical realism. It is often called “Structural Realism” which signifies that the theory centers on the effect of structure of the international system on states so that they come into conflict with each other. NEO REALISM ORIGIN OF NEO REALISM                                Neo Realism first introduce by Kenneth Waltz in his 1979 book “Theory of international Politics”.   Neo Realism is contemporary of Neo Liberalism. classical realism could not explain after second war situation (cold war) so neo realist explain that situation and came into existence. BASIC CONCEPT OF NEO REALISM CONCEPTS OF NEOREALISM •              Anarchy Anarchy means absence of authority. As we know in International System there are anarchy. It doesn’t mean the presence of chaos or war all time. It simply means the absence of World Government or any institution or Organization which order will be binding on nation states. So,


United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, and north east Ireland. Great Britain include England, Wales and Scotland United Kingdom MOSTLY UNWRITTEN Most important and unique feature of British Constitution is its unwritten character. There are no such written documents which we may called British Constitution. According to De Tocqueville ,” English Constitution does not really exist. The main reason for this is that it is based on convention and political tradition which have not been laid down in any document. PARTLY WRITTEN However, it has some written parts too which includes Historical Documents, Parliamentary Statues, Judicial Decisions and Constitutional Characters, eg Magna Carta (1215), Petition of Rights (1628), Bill of Rights (1689), Parliamentary Act of 1911&1949) etc. EVOLUTIONARY CONSTITUTION British Constitution is not enacted by any constituent assembly and not a fixed date of birth given to this because it is an evolutionary process which produce gro


  WRITTEN CONSTITUTION •        The constitution of India is a wholly written document. •          enacted by constitutional assembly of India. •          Indian constitution mostly written by lawyer, so do not give any loophole in this document. •          So all the detailed mention in written form LENGHTHIEST CONSTITUTION •        It is very detailed constitution. •          It consists a Preamble and 470 articles which are include into 25 parts with 12 schedules and 5 appendices. •          Amended 104 times. •          One constitution for both State and Centre •          Wide geographical area. •          Include ACT 1935. PREAMBLE OF CONSTITUTION •        It is well drafted preamble of Indian constitution. •          Most of the detail mention in preamble about constitution in brief. •          Declare India to be sovereign socialist secular democratic republic and welfare state committed to secure justice liberty and equality with promoting fratern


In the discipline of International Relation realism is a school of thought that emphasized the competitive and conflictual side of International Relations. This theory have a pragmatic approach to International Relation describing the world ‘as it is, not as it ought to be’.   HISTORY OF REALISM In history there was some thinkers which we can called realist thinkers like: Thucydides in his writing “History of the Peloponnesian War” explain that strong should rule over weak. Niccolò Machiavelli in his writing “ The Prince” emphasized on the effectual truth. He was first political scientist to behold the human condition without illusion. Thomas Hobbes in his writing “ Leviathan” describe state of nature as realist describe IR as state of nature. Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his writing “ Social Contract” accepts human imperfection and avoid any ultimate solution to the human problem.   Realism as a self conscious movement in the study of International Relations emerged duri


In previous article we discussed about causes of Security Dilemma. Now we will know about the impacts of this concept. NEGETIVE IMPACT OF SECURITY DILEMMA   SOURCE OF CONFLICT In anarchic nature of International System every state is suspicious for each other. They increase their security to protect themselves. This creates security dilemma in all others and they came into conflict with each other. Conflict doesn’t only mean war like situation it also includes alliances with revelry state’s enemy state to create more tension in that state. It increases more conflicts in all states.   MAXIMIZE SECURITY Although maximize security is good point to secure states. But States in Security Dilemma interpret it as an act of aggression. So, they increase their security. It leads more accumulation of weapons mostly nuclear weapons. This will be dangerous for whole world.   ARM RACE Security Dilemma encourage Arm Race. This increases more insecurity in states. The most common




  SECURITY DILEMMA It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you. If you allow it.   Security Dilemma came into existence from bi-polarized and atom bomb blessed anarchic world. Insecurity among nation state give more power to Security Dilemma.   The concepts seems to fit particularly well the competition between the United States of America and Soviet Union during cold war.   MAIN THINKERS Security   Dilemma was first described by the British historian Herbert Butterfield in 1949 . The term was coined by American Political Scientist John Herz in 1950 .   SECURITY Security is in most general sense as freedom from threats, fear and dangers and in International Relation Security means free from "threat to survival" because of world government. So states secure themselves by military, weapons, alliances etc.   DILEMMA Dilemma is a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice between two or more things and these